SCRIMMAGE / ROS Integration

For more intricate simulation setups, you may want to be able generate scrimmage mission files more dynamically. This is especially important when using scrimmage with ROS. For example, we may want to launch several ROS autonomies in their own ROS namespaces and start scrimmage with a mission file that matches the ROS configuration. In this case, scrimmage will generate the sensor data required by the ROS autonomy, the ROS autonomy will publish a control signal, scrimmage will subscribe to the control signal, and scrimmage will apply the control signal to the simulated motion model. The scrimmage sensor plugins that provide the sensor data publish to ROS topics and the scrimmage autonomy plugins subscribe to the control signals being published by the ROS autonomy. In other words, the ROS nodes are performing the real decision making for the agent and the scrimmage autonomy plugin is just a translator from ROS messages to internal scrimmage data structures.

In this tutorial, we will be using the scrimmage python project and the scrimmage_ros repository to generate a scrimmage mission file at run-time and launch multiple ROS 2D navigation stacks in their own ROS namespaces.

Build SCRIMMAGE with Python and ROS

To get started, let’s build scrimmage with ROS plugins and python bindings in a virtual environment.

# Setup a python virtual environment
$ cd /path/to/scrimmage
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ python3 -m venv env         # Create the python environment
$ . ./env/bin/activate        # Activate the environment

# Install scrimmage python package dependencies
$ pip install -r ../python/requirements.txt

# Enable scrimmage dependencies
$ . /opt/scrimmage/*/

# Enable the ROS dependencies. Replace ${ROS_VERSION} with "kinetic",
# "melodic", etc.
$ . /opt/ros/${ROS_VERSION}/

# Configure scrimmage to build ROS plugins and python 3.5+

$ make -j7  # Build scrimmage

# Install the scrimmage python package
$ pip install -e ../python

After successfully building scrimmage, let’s run a simple test of the scrimmage Mission Generator python class

# Activate the locally built scrimmage environment, which puts the scrimmage
# executable on the $PATH and updates the $SCRIMMAGE_PLUGIN_PATH.
$ . ~/.scrimmage/

# Run the Mission Generator test, which generates a mission and runs it
# with scrimmage.
$ python ../python/tests/

The MissionGenerator class uses template files, the jinja2 python package, and a mission.yaml file to generate scrimmage mission files. For example, the test program, uses the template files in scrimmage/python/tests/templates and mission.yaml. The MissionGenerator class constructor takes the path to the mission.yaml file as input:

mg = MG.MissionGenerator('/path/to/mission.yaml')

You can access the contents of the generated scrimmage mission XML through the MissionGenerator class’ mission member variable.

mission_xml = mg.mission

Typically, the string that contains the contents of the scrimmage mission file is written to a temporary file:

with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as fp:

and then the python subprocess package can be used to execute scrimmage, where the path to the temporary file is passed as an argument to scrimmage.

cmd = "scrimmage %s" %
subprocess.check_call(cmd.split(), env=os.environ.copy())

Mission YAML File Format

Let’s take a look at the mission.yaml file format to understand how the MissionGenerator class generates a scrimmage mission file from template files.

version: "1.0"

# Relative to current file
    - .

# Configuration for overall mission file
    template: mission.template.xml
        time_warp: 0
        latitude_origin: 35.721025
        longitude_origin: -120.767925
        altitude_origin: 0.0

# Configuration for each entity that will be injected into the mission file
    - template: entity.template.xml
          id: 1
          x: -10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 270

    - template: entity.template.xml
          id: 2
          x: 10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 0

The version specifies the YAML format version number for the MissionGenerator class. The template_directories variable specifies a list of absolute or relative (to the mission.yaml file) paths to be used when searching for template files. In this case, the template files are located in the same directory as the mission.yaml file since the . path is included. The mission_file specifies the top-level scrimmage mission file template (mission.template.xml) and the config values that should be used during variable substitution by jinja2. For example, the mission.template.xml file contains the line:

time_warp="{{ config.time_warp }}"

and the config block contains the value of 0 for the time_warp:

    time_warp: 0

After mission file generation, the scrimmage mission file will contain the text:


The mission.yaml file also contains a list of entities, where each entity is specified by a template file and a variable config block that is used during variable substitution.

    - template: entity.template.xml
          id: 1
          x: -10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 270

    - template: entity.template.xml
          id: 2
          x: 10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 0

The top-level scrimmage mission template file (mission.template.xml) uses a jinja2 for-loop to generate each entity:

{% for entity in config.entities %}
{{ entity }}
{% endfor %}

An advantage to this template process is that entity templates can be reused across multiple scrimmage mission files without having to copy and paste XML blocks.

Launching SCRIMMAGE and ROS in Parallel

We will now use the scrimmage_ros package to launch two ROS agents running the 2D navigation stack, generate a scrimmage mission file, and pass the generated mission file to the scrimmage executable.

Build scrimmage_ros

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone

# Source the ROS, scrimmage, and scrimmage python environments
$ . /opt/ros/${ROS_VERSION}/              # ROS
$ . ~/.scrimmage/setup.bash                       # scrimmage
$ . ~/scrimmage/scrimmage/build/env/bin/activate  # scrimmage python

# Build scrimmage_ros
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

Now that the scrimmage_ros package has been built, source the catkin_ws environment and run the python script that will launch the ROS agents and scrimmage:

$ . devel/
$ python ./src/scrimmage_ros/src/scrimmage_ros/test/

Enter CTRL+c to end the simulation. Let’s take a look at the script and the associated template files to see how the simulation was configured with the EntityLaunch class:

entity_launch = EntityLaunch(args.sim_mission_yaml_file,
                             run_dir, None, None)

The EntityLaunch takes a mission.yaml file and a processes.yaml file as inputs, generates the scrimmage mission file, executes scrimmage with the generated mission file, and executes the processes in the processes yaml file.

Finally, the processes are actually executed in parallel with the run() method:

# Run the processes. Blocking.

Processes YAML File Format

Let’s take a look at the processes yaml file to understand how it helps us launch scrimmage in parallel with ROS autonomies:

version: "1.0"

# Specify default values
    terminal: gnome
        some_variable: some_value

# Processes that are run before entities are launched
    - name: roscore
      command: roscore
      terminal: none
      post_delay: 1.5

    - name: map_server
      command: stdbuf -oL roslaunch scrimmage_ros map_server.launch
      terminal: none

# Processes that are run for each entity type
    - type: car
        - name: 'entity{{ id }}'
          command: 'stdbuf -oL roslaunch scrimmage_ros entity_nav_2d.launch team_id:=1 entity_id:={{ id }}'

      # Clean up commands run for each entity
        - name: hello
          command: 'echo "Goodbye, Entity {{ id }}'

# Overall clean up commands

The processes list specifies the processes that will be launch before the individual entities’ ROS systems are launched. The entity_processes list specifies the processes that will be launched for each entity. In this case, we will call roslaunch for each entity. Each entity has an optional clean_up list of commands and we can specify a global clean_up for the entire system. The processes for each entity are specified with a type tag. In this case, we use the type tag, car. We will also have to augment our mission yaml file with the type tag, so that the processes that are launched can be matched with the entities in the scrimmage mission file. For example, our new mission yaml file will look like the following:

version: "1.0"

# Relative to current file
    - .

# Configuration for overall mission file
    template: mission.template.xml
        time_warp: 0
        latitude_origin: 35.721025
        longitude_origin: -120.767925
        altitude_origin: 0.0

# Configuration for each entity that will be injected into the mission file
    - type: car
      template: entity.template.xml
          id: 1
          x: -10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 270

    - type: car
      template: entity.template.xml
          id: 2
          x: 10
          y: 10
          z: -5
          heading: 0

Running processes in docker

The processes specified in processes.yaml can be run in docker as well, keeping in mind that there is typically no display available (as specified in the DISPLAY environment variable), which can affect certain terminal programs. The main scrimmage process uses the default terminal, which may need to be set to none for running in docker. And any other process with its own terminal specified may also need to be set to none, or another terminal program that can run in docker:

version: "1.0"

    terminal: none
        some_variable: some_value

    - name: process_with_gui
      command: process_with_gui
      terminal: none